
Showing posts from September, 2024

Mastering the CO 197 Denial Code: Tips for Successful Claim Reimbursement

  Claim denials are one of the most significant challenges faced by healthcare providers and medical billing teams. Understanding the various denial codes and reasons for rejections is crucial for improving revenue cycle management and minimizing losses. One of the most frequent denial codes that healthcare professionals encounter is   CO 197 . This denial code indicates that the payment for a service or claim has been reduced or denied due to a failure to obtain pre-certification or prior authorization. In this article, we will  break down the CO 197 denial code , explain why it occurs, and provide  effective tips and strategies  for overcoming this denial to ensure successful claim reimbursement. By mastering the process of handling this code, you can improve cash flow, reduce delays, and ensure your claims get paid in a timely manner. https://rcmxper...